Useful information to help you navigate.
Definitions, PDFs, tutorials and web site links to various groups and organizations.
Accountable Health Communities
An Accountable Health Community is an aspirational model accountable for the health and well-being of the entire population in its defined geographic area and not limited to a defined group of patients.
Visit The Prevention Institute – It is a reliable source for more information about Accountable Health Communities.
Collective Impact
Collective impact is a model to bring people together in a structured way, to achieve social change. The Collective Impact Forum is a reliable source for more information about Collective Impact.
Actor Mapping: A Hands on Tutorial
Results Based Accountability
The Results Based Accountability™ (RBA) process provides a step-by-step process to get results. RBA defines both population level (a measure of whether we have achieved our outcome goals for the defined population) and performance level (measure of how well a program or service is working) measures. RBA uses a common sense approaches to gather data; simple things like community surveys with just a few questions or a show of hands at a meeting. RBA starts by asking the simple questions:
- How much are we doing?
- How well are we doing it?
- Is anyone better off?
Data and Statistics
Financially Secure
Well Nourished
Well Housed
Mentally Healthy
- Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences Online Training Modules
- Resources Page
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA)
- What Works – A Manual for Designing Programs that Build Resilience
- Zero Suicide Vermont – Prevention Packet
Physically Healthy
There are many reliable sources for information, strategies, and tools to keep people physically healthy:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Move Your Way Resources for Getting Active
- Get Off Your Couch and Exercise
- County Health Rankings – What Works in Health
- Vermont Blueprint for Health
- NVRH Healthy Choices Newsletter