Home 9 Get Involved

NEK Prosper! welcomes all voices to join, inform and shape our work.

We need you to grow our collective and community capacity to dismantle systemic inequality and marginalization, foster community leadership and community-driven solutions and ensure fair and just opportunity to health and prosperity. Please contact Kari White to find out more about our Mission, Vision, Values, projects and opportunities to help ensure an equitable, healthy and prosperous community for all.  Enter your information here to be added to our e-mail list:

Join Network E-mail Group

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If you are interested in our work, one way to volunteer is to visit one of our Collaborative Action Network (CAN) pages to learn more.  Be sure to check out the Home Page of NEK Prosper! for opportunities, learning events and workshops, other community events and fun and healthy activities for all ages.

Here are some things you can do to get involved:

Schedule a Building Flourishing Communities Learning Event

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  • Request a Smoothie Bike for your event

Smoothie Bike Reservation Form

Type of Bike Requested

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