Home 9 Resources & Tools 9 NEK Community Health Equity 9 Community Project Grants 9 Vibrant ONE Community Health Equity Funding

Vibrant ONE Community Health Equity Project Funding 

  • Project Phoenix – not funded (half funded by NEK Prosper!)
  • NEK Domestic Violence Prevention Warm Line – partially funded (full half funded by NEK Prosper!)
  • Social Detox and Crisis Bed Pilot at JTRCC – funded
  • Building Social Capital and Engagement Throughout the NEK – funded
  • BIPOC mental, physical, and social health benefits of engaging in outdoor activities – funded half (other half funded by NEK Prosper!)
  • Not “Invisible”! NEK Accepting Neurodivergence – funded half (other half funded by NEK Prosper!)


Request For Proposals

Project Overview
The Vibrant ONE (Orleans/Northern Essex) Accountable Health Community partnership
has prioritized developing a set of goals to help improve the behavioral health (mental health /
substance use) systems of care in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom (NEK). The results of a root cause
analysis helped identify that there is a lack of understanding of exactly how our current system functions
or is expected to function as well as a lack of awareness of formal and informal assets and resources.
Additionally, no organization in the partnership has the capacity or expertise to take on this project at
the present time.

Purpose: To help vision for the future, Vibrant ONE would like to accurately document the experience
of individuals as they journey through the behavioral health system of care as well as the critical
decision points or system constraints that providers face as they try to help navigate an individual’s
treatment through the current system of care. Additionally, our group would like to document all the
services and assets within our current system. It is hoped that this process/asset mapping will create a
solid foundation for future visioning.

Project Goals:

  1. To construct a process/asset map that documents how the behavioral health care in Vermont’s
    Northeast Kingdom currently is accessed and working. This will also document the key decision
    or constraint points that providers experience in navigating treatment plans while capturing the
    array of services available to residents in our area.
  2. To construct a journey map or actor map to help demonstrate people’s experiences accessing
  3. To use the process/asset map to develop recommendations for aspirational change, particularly
    related to crisis intercept points, and to articulate measures to help determine the impact of
    future changes.
  4. To recommend a coordinated screening / referral / intake process that would move our
    community towards more coordinated and harmonized referral process with coordinated data


Evaluation Tool
