NEK Prosper! Community Health Equity Project
Funding Evaluation
You have each volunteered to participate in this process as a reviewer as you are willing and able to commit to the time as described below. Thank you!
Attached is the Project Application Packet and the Reviewer Evaluation Spreadsheet Tool (has links to each individual application). The project applications are also individually available below:
- Kingdom East After School & Experiential Learning Bike & Ski Club
- Food Justice and Culture Building: A Partnership between the Center for an Agricultural Economy and the Civic Standard
- St. Johnsbury DPC Clinic Launch
- Caring about healthcare
- NEK Domestic Violence Prevention Warm Line
- EBS Student Resilience Project
- Building Social Capital and Engagement Throughout the NEK
- Community Capacity Through Engagement & Leadership
- KTA Healthy Community Initiative
- Telling Our Stories to Make a Difference: Giving our Voice to Systemic Inequalities
- Adaptive Sports Partners – NEK Expansion
- Project Phoenix
- BIPOC mental, physical, and social health benefits of engaging in outdoor activities
- Not “Invisible”! NEK Accepting Neurodivergence
- Power Up!
- Reading and Evaluation Period: September 12th -19th; please submit your final, completed Reviewer Evaluation Spreadsheet Tool to me (Kari White) via e-mail no later than 5:00pm on September 19th
- Evaluation Summary Compiled (by me) and sent back out to those who submitted evaluations: September 20th
- Committee Decision-Making Meeting: September 21st from 9:00am-Noon on Zoom (please put a HOLD on your calendar – meeting link and invite will go to everyone who returns their Reviewer Evaluation Spreadsheet Tool to me by the deadline)
- Notification to Applicants of decisions (by e-mail): September 23rd
Please keep in mind that we are seeking to fund projects which:
- Fit within the guidelines,
- Were created in the NEK,
- Will support meaningful interactions with community/residents,
- Will build capacity and/or make positive system, policy or environmental change,
- Will advance health equity/address health disparities,
- Will support communities to make positive change to advance health equity,
- Will directly benefit people who have lived or living experience with health inequities,
- Were designed/identified by intended beneficiaries,
- Were put forth by organizations/entities that may have been excluded in public health-oriented funding in the past,
- Align/coordinate with other community resources seeking to advance equity and address the social contributors to health,
- Align with the NEK Prosper!
- Vision of prosperity (everyone in Caledonia + Southern Essex is financially secure, mentally healthy, physically healthy, well-housed and well-nourished) and/or
- Problem/Opportunity Statement: Due to stigma, marginalization and systemic inequalities, not everyone in Caledonia and Southern Essex Counties has fair and just opportunity to prosper (be financially secure, mentally healthy, physically healthy, well-housed and well-nourished), nor safe, accessible and inclusive opportunities to participate in planning and decision-making about the health and well-being of themselves, their families and their communities. This is true particularly for those experiencing stigma, marginalization and avoidable systemic inequalities associated with socioeconomic status; race, ethnicity and culture; sexual orientation and gender identity; visible and invisible disabilities; trauma, mental health and substance misuse disorders, and justice-involvement and/or
- Aspiration to build our collective and community capacity to dismantle systemic inequality and marginalization, foster community leadership and community-driven solutions and ensure fair and just opportunity to health and prosperity.
- Outline a reasonable and achievable project within the 8-month timeline, and
- Outline a suitable budget for the project.
The Reviewer Evaluation Spreadsheet Tool includes:
- Column A – a project number
- Columns B—D – three columns of project summary information
- Columns E – Q – 13 columns which correspond to the questions listed above with three dropdown response options for each column question (3-Yes, 2-Maybe, 1-No) and additional notes about the criteria
- Column R – a column for you to record any questions and/or concerns
- Column S – a column for you to record your overall impression and strengths of the proposal and helpful feedback to the applicant
- Column T – a column for you to record your last name (you only need to do this in the first row)
- Column U – any other notes for the review team (like a potential conflict of interest)
- Applicants are listed in a random order.
- Project budgets highlighted in purple (six of the 15) indicate that the project also seeks to serve portions of Orleans/No. Essex, and so will also be considered by Vibrant ONE.
- Please try and evaluate all applications other than those you have recused yourself from.
- Please do not evaluate any project applications with which you are associated directly as an applicant or as staff, consultant, advisory committee/Board member or relative of someone who is staff, consultant or advisory committee/Board member to the organization/entity.
- Please do not evaluate a project based on formatting, grammar and spelling, or how “well” it is written.
- Please try your best to evaluate each project by the criteria listed above rather than any past negative experiences you may have had with the organization/entity or people associated with the organization/entity.
- The minimum score for an application is 13 and the maximum score for an application is 39.
- Each reviewers’ scores for each application will be totaled and divided by the number of reviewers to get an average score. These average scores will be populated into an Evaluation Summary document which will form the basis of our discussion on September 21st.
- Not all funded projects are going to succeed in the ways that are originally designed – and that’s okay. We can take some risks here that other funding opportunities may not allow for.
- Your notes and comments will be summarized (and kept anonymous) and sent back to each applicant as feedback.
- If you encounter any issues with the spreadsheets or evaluation process, or have any questions related to applications, please don’t hesitate to reach out (Kari White). Enormous thanks in advance for your time and insight reviewing these applications. Hope you will enjoy reviewing all these awesome ideas!